Abortion in Different Cultures

To expand on what I said in the last post (and, well, my first post here):

I, like T_aquatis think that it’s extremely necessary to have not only “the talk” with children about sex, std etc. but it’s equally as important for kids to have at least a couple of sex ed. classes where they can learn and ask about these kinds of things. Something that, from what I’ve heard conservatives in USA are fighting tooth and nail against. Well, here’s a newsflash, you can choose between less birth control and less abortion, you can’t have both.

I also agree that outlawing abortion is definitely not the answer, and shouldn’t even be discussed. Women who want abortion will only find it in underground clinics, which are extremely dangerous, considering that most doctors running those clinics are in no way qualified to cure a cough let alone perform an abortion. What should be done is tackling the problems that would make a woman want an abortion.

I should also clarify that I am neither pro-life nor pro-choice, I understand that this issue is much more complicated than that.