Comments on Thacker's Proposal

No. You appear not to understand the definition of ad hominem. Look it up.

Du doch nicht.

Dr Harshman!!! dude! I had a ton of old and obsolete circuit boards, and I dumped them in a sack, drug it down the road a while, lit it on fire, hit it with some electricity with the leads off my arc welder, and youā€™ll NEVER guess what happened!!!

I think its the first really usable quantum computer! Oh the wonders of nature!

Right its a dismissal or ā€œpoisoning the wellā€ re an opponents argument through ā€œat the personā€ or ā€œmessengerā€ assessment; you are stupid would merely be an insult, but we can dismiss your argument because youā€™re stupid is an ad hominem.

I am gratified that I have managed to teach you that one thing.

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In context your:

assessment, was, by definition an

That said, I think weā€™ve run this rabbit long enough.

Ah, so I wasnā€™t able to teach you anything after all. My bad.

As a bit of personal observation; when I was a kid I thought ego driven activity; bullying, intimidation, ridicule, games of semantic insult; ā€œyo mamaā€ stuff, ā€œchest thumpingā€, was just a matter of immaturity, I thought in middle school it would subsideā€¦ it didnā€™t, I thought in HS it would subsideā€¦ it didnā€™t, I thought in college it would subsideā€¦ it didnā€™t, I thought in the world of adults it would subsideā€¦ it didnā€™t.

Given this seems to be the nature of man, who knows, maybe it extends into the beyond, it forces one to either grow thicker skin; find a sense of humor, and keep digging regardless, or quit and capitulate. And Iā€™ve never been good at either quitting or capitulating, and I donā€™t intend to explore that resolution.