Does Jeanson's model match "the population growth data from 1000 BC to the present"?

It an interesting quote by Sabine and I was interested her background so I Googled her and also looked at her publications on Google Scholar. She’s a talented (and very busy/industrious) person, isn’t she. My reason for even mentioning this to you is that she is working in an area that would be impacted were quantum gravity discovered. So, she is trying to find experimental evidence of quantum gravity. She also publishes in scientific journals, has an annual conference group focusing on Quantum Gravity, etc, etc. She’s not just at the leading edge; she’s at the bleeding edge.

At this point, I reflected on Nathaniel Jeanson’s approach to his leading edge work. He publishes books, he has a limited public presence through Answers in Genesis, and he occasionally goes on YouTube to be interviewed or “debate”.

Which of these two is doing everything possible to ensure that their work is clearly, articulately and unambiguously described as a consequence of being thoroughly and professionally challenged; that any flaws/problems in their work are promptly and publicly acknowledged; that their work is unequivocally based on evidence rather than opinion?

it’s a remarkable contrast isn’t it. One is constantly on the front foot of communication, the other relies on (committed but untrained) acolytes to argue the case.


What mistake? I can’t see it.

Oops, I mistook one color for another. There is no error, after all.

1 Like

Right I think I figured it out, thanks to your comments and books, as well as some online resources including these:

Here’s some graphs I generated:

In the first (top left), I’m simply calculating the probability of k alleles coalescing to k-1 in a constant population (Ny=500) at various times in the past t:

P = 1-\left(1-\frac{k(k-1)}{2Ny}\right)^t

In the second (top right), it’s similar but the number of alleles (k) is on the x axis, while the different colours represent different sized constant populations. Here, the bigger the population, the more time (generations) it takes to go from 20 alleles to 1 (coalescence).
The number of generations until coalescence of k to k-1 alleles is given by:

t = \frac{2Ny}{k(k-1)}

To get the third graph (bottom), I took these t values and transformed them from “fictional time” to different “real times” to simulate different population growth rates according to:

Rt = \frac{ln(1+gt)}{g}

With this, I could simulate multiple growth rates (0.001-0.1) and multiple final population sizes (100-1000). As before, larger population sizes leads to longer coalescence times, and as expected, faster growth rates leads to shorter coalescence times.

It all seems to make sense, so I’m reasonably confident I’ve done everything correctly. This was just a bit of fun, an excuse to do some maths and play with R, but of course I’m also keen to know if there are any mistakes!

The next step would be to use these results to draw simulated trees so maybe I’ll give that a try some other time. Here’s all the latest code (I was a bit less vigilant in documenting everything as I’ve been working through the night - It’s 6am now!):

###load packages
library(SciViews) #needed to use ln function
library(ggplot2) #needed to make nice graphs
library(gridExtra) #needed to show plots side-by-side
library(dplyr) #needed for some data manipulation functions

###define parameters
Ny0 <- 500 #population at time 0 (present)
t <- seq(0,2000,50) #range of time points in the past to be simulated
g <- 0.01 #population growth rate since time t to present

Nyt<-Ny0*exp(-g*t) #exponential growth between time t and 0 - gives population size at time t
plot(t, Nyt) #plot population size going back in time

###coalescence in constant population
P = 1-((1-1/Ny0)^t) #calculate coalescence probability of 2 alleles in constant population size
constant <- data.frame(t, P)
cgraph <- 
  ggplot(constant, aes(x=t, y=P)) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_classic() +
  geom_point() +
  ylab("P(coalescence)") +
  ggtitle("constant population size")
gvalue0 <- rep("0 (constant)", length(t)) #make vector with gvalues (0)
constantdf <- data.frame(t, gvalue0, P) #format constant data into data for combination later
colnames(constantdf)[1] <- "Rt"
colnames(constantdf)[2] <- "gvalue"

###coalescence in growing population
#need to convert the times in constant population to "real time" to account for growing population
Rt <- (1/g)*ln(1+g*t) #treat t as fictional time then convert to real time (Rt)
growing <- data.frame(Rt, P)
ggraph <-
  ggplot(growing, aes(x=Rt, y=P)) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_classic() +
  geom_point() +
  xlim(0, max(Rt)) +
  ylab("P(coalescence)") +
  ggtitle("growing at rate g=0.01")

grid.arrange(cgraph, ggraph+xlim(0,max(t)), ncol = 1) #plot both graphs at the same time

###coalescence in shrinking population
s=-0.01 #population shrinkage rate (inverse of g)
Nyt<-Ny0*exp(-s*t) #exponential shrinkage between time t and 0 - gives population size at time t
#need to convert these times to real t
Rts <- (1/s)*ln(1+s*t) #treat t as Ft then convert to Rt
shrinking <- data.frame(Rts, P)
sgraph <-   
  ggplot(shrinking, aes(x=Rts, y=P)) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_classic() +
  geom_point() +
  xlim(0, max(Rt)) +
  ylab("P(coalescence)") +
  ggtitle("shrinking at rate g=-0.01")

grid.arrange(ggraph+xlim(0,max(t)), cgraph, sgraph+xlim(0,max(t)), ncol = 1) #plot growing, constant, and shrinking population graphs

###plotting a range of population growth rates
grange <- c(0.001, 0.01, 0.1) #set list of g values to simulate

gtable<-data.frame(x1 = 1:length(t)) #create placeholder dataframe to store simulated real times
for(g in grange) {
  new <- (1/g)*ln(1+g*t) 
  gtable[ , ncol(gtable) + 1] <- new 
  colnames(gtable)[ncol(gtable)] <- paste0(g)
} #iterate through different g values
gtable = gtable[ ,-1] #remove first placeholder column
head(gtable) #check top of table

gtable<-data.frame(x=unlist(gtable)) #flatten into single column
gtable$gvalue <- rep(grange, each=length(t)) #add g value column as labels
rownames(gtable) <- NULL #remove misleading rownames
multipleg <- data.frame(gtable, rep(P, length(grange))) #add in P values to data frame
colnames(multipleg)[1] <- "Rt"
colnames(multipleg)[3] <- "P"
head(multipleg) #check top of table
multiplegfinal <-rbind(constantdf, multipleg) #combine with constant population results

multipleggraph <- 
  ggplot(multiplegfinal, aes(x=Rt, y=P, color=factor(gvalue))) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_classic() +
  geom_point(size = 1) +
  xlim(0, max(multiplegfinal$Rt[is.finite(multiplegfinal$Rt)])) +
  ylab("P(coalescence)") +
  xlab("generations before present") +
  ggtitle("P(coalescence) with growth rates g") + 
  theme(legend.position = c(0.7, 0.4))

#note leftward shift of coalescence probability in growing population - more likely to coalescence earlier as a result of the smaller population sizes in the past

ggsave(plot=multipleggraph,filename = "P(coalescence).png", units = "px", width = 1200, height = 1300, device='png', dpi=300)

###plot population size over time
gpoptable<-data.frame(x1 = 1:length(t)) #create placeholder dataframe to store simulated real times
for(g in grange) {
  new <- Ny0*exp(-g*t)
  gpoptable[ , ncol(gpoptable) + 1] <- new 
  colnames(gpoptable)[ncol(gpoptable)] <- paste0(g)
} #iterate through different g values
gpoptable = gpoptable[,-1] #remove first placeholder column
head(gpoptable) #check top of table

constantpopN <- rep(Ny0, length(t)) #make vector with constant population size
constantpopdf <- data.frame(constantpopN, gvalue0, t) #format constant data into data for combination later
colnames(constantpopdf)[1] <- "N"
colnames(constantpopdf)[2] <- "gvalue"
colnames(constantpopdf)[3] <- "t"

gpoptable<-data.frame(x=unlist(gpoptable)) #flatten into single column
gpoptable$gvalue <- rep(grange, each=length(t)) #add g value column as labels
rownames(gpoptable) <- NULL #remove misleading rownames
colnames(gpoptable)[1] <- "N" #rename first column
head(gpoptable) #check top of table
gpoptable <- data.frame(gpoptable, t) #add t column to table

multiplegpopfinal <-rbind(constantpopdf, gpoptable) #combine with constant population N table

multiplepopgraph <- 
  ggplot(multiplegpopfinal, aes(x=t, y=N, color=factor(gvalue))) +
  geom_line() +
  theme_classic() +
  geom_point(size = 1) +
  ylab("Ny") +
  xlab("generations before present") +
  ggtitle("Population size history by growth rate g") +
  theme(legend.position = "none")
  #theme(legend.position = c(0.8, 0.63))

figure <- grid.arrange(multiplepopgraph, multipleggraph, nrow = 1)
ggsave(plot=figure, filename = "coal and pop.png", units = "px", width = 3000, height = 1500, device='png', dpi=400)

###simulate with k alleles
Pk <- 1-(1-((k*(k-1))/(2*Ny0)))^t #probability of coalescence of k to k-1 lineages

krange <- seq(2, 10, 2) #set list of k values to simulate

ktable<-data.frame(x1 = 1:length(t)) #create placeholder dataframe to store simulated real times
for(k in krange) {
  new <- 1-(1-((k*(k-1))/2)/Ny0)^t
  ktable[ , ncol(ktable) + 1] <- new 
  colnames(ktable)[ncol(ktable)] <- paste0(k)
} #iterate through different k values
ktable = ktable[ ,-1] #remove first placeholder column
head(ktable) #check top of table

ktable<-data.frame(x=unlist(ktable)) #flatten into single column
ktable$kvalue <- rep(krange, each=length(t)) #add g value column as labels
rownames(ktable) <- NULL #remove misleading rownames
colnames(ktable)[1] <- "P"
head(ktable) #check top of table
ktable <- data.frame(ktable, t) #add t column to table
multiplekgraph <- 
  ggplot(ktable, aes(x=t, y=P, color=factor(kvalue))) +
  geom_line(size = 1) +
  theme_classic() +
  ylab("P(coalescence)") +
  xlab("generations before present") +
  ggtitle("P(coalescence) with k alleles (Ny=500)") +
  theme(legend.position = c(0.7, 0.4))

#mean time to first coalescence event is 2*Ny/(k*(k-1))
k <- 20 #number of sampled alleles 
klist <- c(2:k)
Nylist <- c(100, 500, 1000)

ktable2<-data.frame(x1 = 1:length(klist)) #create placeholder dataframe
ktable3<-data.frame(x1 = 1:(length(klist))) #create placeholder dataframe

for(Ny in Nylist) {
  for(k in klist) {
    new <- 2*Ny/(k*(k-1))
    ktable2[nrow(ktable2) + 1, ] <- new 
  ktable3[ ,(nrow(ktable2)/length(klist))] <- ktable2[c((nrow(ktable2)-(length(klist)-1)):nrow(ktable2)),c(1)]
  colnames(ktable3)[nrow(ktable2)/length(klist)] <- paste0(Ny)
ktable3 = ktable3[ ,-1] #remove first placeholder column
ktable3 <- rbind(rep(0,nrow(ktable3)), ktable3)
ktable4[] <- lapply(ktable4, cumsum)

ktable4<-data.frame(x=unlist(ktable4)) #flatten into single column
ktable4$Ny <- rep(Nylist, each=(length(klist)+1)) #add Ny column as labels
rownames(ktable4) <- NULL #remove misleading rownames
colnames(ktable4)[1] <- "t"
head(ktable4) #check top of table
ktable4$kvalue <- rep(c(1:(length(klist)+1)), length(Nylist)) #add kvalue column to table
kmultipleNygraph <- 
  ggplot(ktable4, aes(x=kvalue, y=t, color=factor(Ny))) +
  geom_line(size=1) +
  theme_classic() +
  ylab("Coalescence time (generations)") +
  xlab("Number of alleles (k)") +
  ggtitle("Coalescence time of k alleles")

###simulating different g rates with k tips
t<-2*Ny/(k*(k-1)) #time to k to k-1 coalescent event, calculate for 1:k
#use t column in ktable4
#simulate for a range of g values
Rt <- (1/g)*ln(1+g*t) #treat t as fictional time then convert to real time (Rt)

grange <- c(0.001, 0.01, 0.1) #set list of g values to simulate
for(g in grange) {
  new <- (1/g)*ln(1+g*ktable5[,1])
  ktable5[ , ncol(ktable5) + 1] <- new 
  colnames(ktable5)[ncol(ktable5)] <- paste0(g)

colnames(ktable5)[1] <- "0 (constant)" #rename column
ktable6 <- melt(ktable5, id.vars = c("Ny", "kvalue"))
colnames(ktable6)[3] <- "g" #rename column
colnames(ktable6)[4] <- "Rt" #rename column

ktable7 <- melt(ktable5, id.vars = c("0 (constant)", "Ny", "kvalue"))
colnames(ktable7)[4] <- "g" #rename column
colnames(ktable7)[5] <- "Rt" #rename column

gmultipleNygraph <- 
  ggplot(ktable7, aes(x=kvalue, y=Rt, 
                      group=interaction(g, Ny))) +
  geom_line(aes(linetype=factor(g)), size=1) +
  theme_classic() +
  ylab("Coalescence time (generations)") +
  xlab("Number of alleles (k)") +
  ggtitle("Coalescence time of k alleles in different sized populations with different growth rates")

figure2 <- grid.arrange(multiplekgraph, 
                        nrow = 2, ncol = 2,
                        widths = c(1, 1),
                        layout_matrix = rbind(c(1, 3),
                                              c(2, 2))
ggsave(plot=figure2, filename = "coal with k and g.png", units = "px", width = 3200, height = 3000, device='png', dpi=400)

You might be interested in checking out some of the software from the tskit dev group. They have a lot of good tools for generating, analyzing, manipulating, and plotting this kind of data. Though much of it is in Python, not R.

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Small correction: What you describe as the “time to coalescence” from k to k-1 is actually the expectation of the time to coalescence, the time itself being a random variable from an exponential distribution that has that expectation. Another: the coalescent is a (very good) approximation — sometimes three or even more copies coalesce simultaneously. As N gets even moderately large that becomes very rare.


Thanks for the clarifications, you’re right of course that my phrasing was a little sloppy. I appreciate you taking the time to check my work.

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Thanks, but I don’t think any of them do quite what I want to do (have complete manual control over the tree drawing), so I think I’ll figure out a way of manually tuning edge lengths between nodes in randomly generated trees with k tips (from the rtree function in ape). I’ll use some loops to progressively collapse nodes in a random tree towards the root, store the edge information, then assign edge lengths from the output of my coalescence calculations to make a coalescence time-calibrated tree with a random topology. If I do it right, I think I can integrate it smoothly into the existing code and generate the tree next to the coalescence time graphs, all in R.

I’m almost done with the pseudocode, then the fun part will be trying to actually implement it. This is as much a coding challenge for me as it is about the output.

Your paragraph read like poetry because of the incidental alliteration and rhyming. So I had some fun of my own writing a quick “found” poem after I read it.

Code a tree
randomly generated,
time-calibrated topology,
a coalescense calculation:
nodes, length, tips,
edge information.
Loops col-
the root.


I saw this cartoon today, and immediately thought of Jeanson’s model:


Bump to keep the thread open


Alternately, you might want to open a new thread for discussion of coalescence software, which appears to be what this thread has digressed onto.

I had no objections to the original digression, as the stated topic seemed to have run its course. However, I cannot help but think that as the digression has likewise lapsed (at least for the time being), it might be a good time to move any further discussion under a thread-title that would let people find it who were looking for information on the topic. :slight_smile:

Yeah I think I’ll do that, when I make my next (and probably final) update to the code I’ll make a stand-alone thread documenting it all, maybe copying or linking to some of the comments I made here.

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