Klinghoffer: Early Science Review of Darwin Devolves — A Panic Attack?

I like how Dennis explains yalls back and forth with the DI

Behe’s been on this kick for a while, dating back to his article in the Quarterly Review of Biology (or something like that).

His argument has always struck me as akin to presenting countless examples of erosion, avoiding all discussion of tectonic uplift, volcanic action, etc - and then claiming that mountains must be the result of supernatural processes.

Author: erosion is really, really common. We see it all over the place. Here are hundreds of known examples. Mountains can’t be natural.

Reviewer: the author doesn’t address what we know about all the many, many geological processes that cause rock uplift.

Author: the reviewers don’t even address my main argument!

Nathan Lents, Joshua Swamidass, and Richard Lenski review Michael Behe's "Darwin Devolves" - #6 by aarceng - Faith & Science Conversation - The BioLogos Forum.