FFRF gets over 1000 of these a year. You would think that in 2018 people would know better but the number of unconstitutional actions by mostly Christians continue to increase. This one is in a public elementary school. oy vey
Every day there is another constitutional violation!
Might be a nice theme for a “violation a day” tear off desk calendar!! I think you could have them available online before Christmas!!
Sorry, @Patrick I meant the Winter Solstice… Duh…
Rushing the season a little. The atheist high holiday of Halloween is approaching. It is almost time for Ken Ham to say that kids shouldn’t dress up and get candy from those Godless atheists.
Well, then, you may wish to plan now for next year… Hahaha!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Satisfactory Saturnalia, … it’s all good.
Me: Oh, you poor atheists!! Nothing at all is special for you!!
You: No, you have it wrong. Everything is special for us!!
Me: Happy Whatever!!
Yes, every Friday is Good Friday.
No, every good Friday is a Friday.
And every Good Friday is also a Friday.
And every Friday may be a good Friday, but…
LIke it or not, every Friday is not Good Friday.
Sure it is. Friday is my favorite day of the week. Any Friday is Good Friday.
You are retired… they should all be Friday at this point!
Well actually being retired every day is Saturday.
Oh, that’s bad… yard work all day Saturday…