Faith, Belief, and Reason

I take some exception to your inclusion of ‘coincidental’ in your list, because most (all?) of God’s providence involve ‘co-instances’ to one degree or another. They may not be the basis of faith, but God certainly uses them to get our attention, and any number of conversion accounts involve them.

I was looking briefly in Eric Metaxes’ book, Miracles, which I read several years back, looking for co-instants accounts to use here as examples (I didn’t find any quickly, but I know they’re there) and ran across this page of an important kind of evidence for God:

One notable example:

The reason so many people regard genuine conversions as miracles is because of the dramatic changes often witnessed in the lives of those converted. As I’ve just said, Chuck Colson went from being a tremendously prideful, hyperaggressive political zealot, to someone humbled and humble who served the poor and the disenfranchised with all of the talents and energies he had once used to claw his way to the top.