New Report on Atheism

From the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Science and Reason:

There was a time, not very long ago, that atheism and non belief were rather niche fields of study. But as the ranks of both the openly atheist and the religiously unaffiliated have grown, Nones and nonbelievers have become far more tantalizing subjects for academia and the media. It seems that every week, we see new surveys and studies that seek to better understand the secular community and what societal factors are driving its growth.

Here is a fascinating study of the nonreligious around the world, made all the more intriguing in that it was paid for by the Templeton Foundation, an organization that lavishly funds research to try to advance the (mistaken) idea that religion and science are perfectly compatible. Not strange enough for you yet? Its findings were submitted to the Vatican. Despite these red flags, the report does a reasonable job dispelling some myths and old assumptions about atheists worldwide.


JTF is not an evil organization. You would be surprised. They have done real good in the world.

Never said JTF was an evil organization. Quite the contrary I think it is a good organization and does do good work. They are certainly not part of the Un -American Christian Nationalism movement in this country. They fund good science, Pew Research, you, and other endeavors on faith / science compatibility. The question about JTF is whether they will realize that all their efforts on faith/science compatibility have only shown that faith/science is incompatible. Why keep funding the same question over and over only to get the same answer?

Then why have they contributed so much money to global warming denialist groups? Evil is as evil does.

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I did not know that. I’d be interested in learning the names of a few of the denialist organizations which received the most funding in that category… .

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Here is my immediate source. A bit of googling would doubtless find more information.