The Problem with the ID Argument

We know that providence happens. Do we know how God does it? No. The examples in scripture are plentiful, and in Christians’ lives past and present. Did the crossing of the Red Sea break any natural laws?

A working definition of providence might be “God’s using the natural order of things but with supernatural timing and/or extent and placing.”

A similar instance I would suggest is Joshua’s long day. My conjecture is that it was, in God’s providence, a massive temperature inversion causing a large and long lasting superior mirage (though that’s a technical term, it was especially ‘superior’ since it was very notably God’s hand :slightly_smiling_face:). It was massive in that the temperature inversion extended well beyond the horizon and lasted for an exceptional length of time and causing the sun to stand still in the sky, and the earth, for all intents and purposes, to stand still as well. Scripture only really necessitates that the sun and moon stood still – in the sky.