2022: The Year in Review

Top #Conversation Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Why are We Disagreeing with ID? 196
Criticism of Both Flavors of Creationism 141
Methinks it is sort-of like two weasels 114
"I'm treating the mutation rate as a substitution rate" - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson 114
Behe vindicated, again! 95

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
An update and a lament 15
Nathaniel Jeanson thinks if you listen to what authors say about their own work then that's pseudoscience 13
Dsterncardinale's Review of Traced by Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson 13
A criticism of evolution 12
Responding to Emily Reeves 12

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Why are We Disagreeing with ID? 706
Criticism of Both Flavors of Creationism 420
Methinks it is sort-of like two weasels 406
"I'm treating the mutation rate as a substitution rate" - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson 312
Behe vindicated, again! 263

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Dsterncardinale's Review of Traced by Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson 27
An update and a lament 26
Criticism of Both Flavors of Creationism 26
"I'm treating the mutation rate as a substitution rate" - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson 25
Nathaniel Jeanson’s Traced 25

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
The Failures of Mathematical Anti-Evolutionism 5
1 Like