A sad moment in teaching

Either this, or the culprit in discouraging them is the church, not scientists.


You need to be careful there. IANAL but that could lead to lawsuits for discrimination on the grounds of religious belief, which is a protected characteristic in most jurisdictions where anti-discrimination laws are a thing. Even when it isn’t, it still gives YECs ammunition to argue that they are being excluded from science by some kind of inherent anti-religious bias rather than a desire to seek out and understand the truth. It feeds the narrative that science is something “secular” that is not to be trusted, and the next thing you know, you have churches crammed full of anti-vaxxers, covid deniers, and conspiracy theorists.

No, the decision to exclude a YEC from a particular scientific field needs to be made on the basis of other evidence—specifically, the quality and accuracy of their work in that field. The fact of the matter is that most forms of young earthism tend to undermine your ability to understand scientific principles and to apply them correctly anyway, so such evidence should be readily apparent in the majority of cases.


Hey guys don’t stop just because I’m not responding. I am reading everything you say and loving it. Please continue.

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