What I’m interested in is, if not God, what or whom? If the Designer is not some version of the ‘all the omnis’ Yahweh/Jehovah God, who is it?
The candidates are limited only by the human imagination, which created every candidate you named. I’m partial to Athena but have been known to sing the praises of the Morrigan.
More seriously, there are many (including me) who don’t grant the typical assumption that design requires a designer. This has been discussed previously on the forum:
I don’t need any new words and I don’t share the premise of “design implies a designer” with you. I have tried to document elsewhere in this thread the fact that design is a pretty integrated concept in biology, such that many biologists talk about design and design principles with no worry that they will be misunderstood. I’m afraid I don’t see how the concept of design without a designer is either hard to grasp (conceptually) or hard to understand (linguistically).
People have tried words like “designoid” and phrases like “apparent design.” The subtitle of Dawkins’ The Blind Watchmaker is “Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design.” I’m well aware that many believers and unbelievers alike are stuck with the word ‘design’ linked to ‘designer’. I have seen only one argument for this approach so far, which is the dictionary. Maybe there are other things going on. But here is Dennett (from this piece ) on one reason why it might not be a good idea to refuse to give…
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