Apologetics, Republican beliefs, and anti-atheist rhetoric


:point_up_2: :laughing:

I wasn’t “reinterpret[ing]” you @gbrooks9, I was directly quoting the Wikipedia article on Theistic Evolution, which stated:

  1. No special supernatural intervention is involved once evolution got under way;

This is in turn a close paraphrase of Francis Collins – his exact words were:

  1. Once evolution got under way, no special supernatural intervention was required. [The Language of God p200]

In other words these are the exact words of the “Christian scientist” who is most probably the most famous living exponent of TE.

His words are remarkably similar to the phrasing in @sfmatheson’s post above. That was my point.

  1. that I have a strong background in statistics, so consider your claim that your mythical “average American child” was/is/will-be “raised in a New England Congregationalist family” to be absolutely, carpet-chewing bonkers

  2. that I didn’t bother reading any more of your unsubstantiated, self-serving fairy story

  3. that I am thinking of you when I think of the following Churchill quote:

A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject

  1. that I’m also thinking of the following quote, often mistakenly attributed to Einstein:

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

  1. that I think you are both a fanatic and insane for thinking that a further repetition of your fairy story will convince me when all your prior verbiage has failed.

  2. That I am shrugging at all this nonsense and walking away.


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