Ashwin: is evolution guided or unguided?

This is a scare crow argument.
The point is that the number of universes that can have life is a a very small number compared to the number of universes that cannot have life. (Call this set of possible universes with life -P(x))
If God wanted to create an universe with life, he would choose one among the comparably very small no: of possibilities… i.e one within p(x).Thus the element of chance is reduced. the chance of life is one, the rest of the variations are due to choice.

In a multiverse, there is no intention to create life. So a universe has to be found which has very low probability of existing by travelling through a random series of universes.
Very low plausibility compared to an intention act of creation by God.

I meant the water cycle in itself is a description without an explanation unless it is based on a multiverse or God.This is in response to your claim below.

Glad to see you accept that the multiverse or God is needed for the water cycle to be explained.

I wasn’t giving you an opinion. I was stating an obvious fact.
One of the most basic experiences of reality that every human has is the sense of “being” and an understanding that this sense of “being”/“self” is within a body.
Materialistic athiesm contradicts this very basic universally shared reality and starts with the notion that we are bodies which think we have being.
Its a view in which free will or agency cannot exist as anything other than an illusion created by material causes which govern all actions.

So athiesm is irrational and based on denial of reality as human beings universally experience it.