Atheists and Christians on this Forum

Is chivalry dead?

Thank you, I appreciate that and forgive you. I don’t mind snarkiness if an argument is not well-thought-out. I’ve used it sometimes with others; then sometimes regretted it.

Maybe you should consider why I have that impression as well.

I know @sfmatheson has muted me, but this is the way that I feel and I appreciate him articulating it so well.

What I feel like I can bring of value to this board and why you should care if I say I’ve been bullied:

  1. A female perspective. I appreciate when @Michelle comes on, I can’t remember if there are any other women I’ve seen.
  2. A non-scientist perspective as someone who newly appreciates science. Learning about COVID and seeing how that reverberated politically and socially got me started.
  3. If scientists think that creationism is hurting scientific literacy, then I’m a voice to show you what you need to overcome scientifically to do so, and maybe also theologically. @swamidass gave a mixed scientific, theological argument - it needs to be developed more theologically before I’d accept death before sin.

Ok, so this is where I want to explain why you’re hurting your cause of “scientific literacy” if you make arguments comparing creation science to flat earthism.

  1. You and I both know flat-earth or geo-centrism isn’t going to make it into a scientific journal.
  2. Sanford had a successful career before he was a Christian. Somehow he also got invited to NIH to speak so someone must have thought he had something important to say. Imagine that happening to a flat-earther?
  3. I’ve already show on this forum how mainstream scientists may end up throwing the age of the universe into question on their own and throw out the Big Bang Model on their own.
  4. Many here regularly mock creation scientists who have degrees from the same universities you go to, as if they are liars or dumb. Then I’ve seen many of the same people admit to not having read their books or their papers. If you sincerely believe all of this is wrong-headed or a hoax for YEC only, then provide evidence of that. So far, the only evidence I’ve seen is that the model can’t work because your models are right. Also, the more mocking you do, I will continue to see it as persecution of Christians, which we are taught to expect in the Bible.
  5. Focus on the scientific problems - Origin of Life needs to get somewhere and fast. Fix the holes in the narrative of the fossil record. Show that evolution has power as an origins theory. I was just learning tonight about RNA and amino acids. I see tons of design there. As it gains more power with design, to me it as less power as an origins theory. Figure that out.

What do creation scientists have to do:
1 - Prove the molecular clock - they’ve already pointed to evidence mainstream science agrees on the x chromosome.
2 - Explain radiometric dating.
3 - Explain the age of the universe - (wait, mainstream science may already do that for us)

Who has more work to do?

As far as how to treat people to win them to your side, I was watching a presentation @NLENTS gave and he was immediately engaging even though I didn’t agree with what he said. Act like he does. I think he would probably be nicer to me than many Christians here.