BioLogos Allows for De Novo Adam

I am happy to report that Kathryn Applegate was very prompt in her attention to my complaint.

I want to thank and acknowledge her for promptly correcting the mistakes in representing my position. I also thank her for taking out the negative reference to traditional theology.

This article is a contribution of high significance to the conversation, and I’m very glad to see BioLogos moving towards a more open position on this matter. This article clearly articulates that there is a value in a Genealogical Adam, and that the de novo creation of Adam is not contradicted by evidence. Kathryn also acknowledges that there is legitimate debate on the definition of sole-progenitor.

That is all good news to hear coming from BioLogos.

I’ll also apologize for reacting a little strongly to her post. I think the confusion on Kathryn’s part was all innocent errors, as evidenced by her quick effort to change them.

Thank you @jongarvey and @gbrooks9 for making this known at biologos too.