Brian Miller: Thermodynamics and the Origin of Life

Thanks for sharing… I suppose I would ask are you (@bjmiller) committed to debunking/dismissing all research on the OOL or would you be open to changing your mind? I almost hate to ask such a question, but for example, Answers in Genesis explicitly says they reject the Big Bang Theory because “from the Bible we can already know the big bang idea is wrong: the Word of God in Genesis 1 says the earth was created before the stars.” Now I understand that as a writer at EN, you are not obligated to any particular holy text or whatnot. But I wanted to just ask before discussing your article whether or not you are committed to always rejecting all aspects of OOL research from the start- since a major talking point (at least from my limited perspective) of EN is that since abiogenesis is ‘so unlikely’ therefore some intelligent being (who just so happens to have the characteristics of the God of the Bible) intervened.