Can God be a useful "scientific" hypothesis? Yes

The video I showed you has references that provide evidence for my claim. Do you want me to just copy and paste them for you myself even though you can easily do this yourself?

I think you misunderstood me then. I was not suggesting that space-time is not real. It is just not “objectively” real, but an emergent property of digital information. Please watch the first 12mins of this video if you don’t believe me:

The Emergent Universe - YouTube

I think we just disagree here or something because it is clear that @nwrickert is presupposing materialism when says things like “I take information to be abstract. And, as an abstraction, it doesn’t really exist except as a useful fiction.” and “…I suppose I should take you as insisting that God is a useful fiction. Perhaps that makes you an atheist”

How does this remark NOT presuppose materialism?

You got to be kidding me. What about Jesus Christ and John chapter 1 in the bible:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. “…The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

From the study:

“…our model attributes >50% of the increase in Betula to the extinction of the mammoths, while in regions of sparse vegetation and non‐active mammoth sub‐populations our model attributes <10% of the increase in Betula to the extinction of the mammoths, with the remaining increase by default due to climate.”

“The timing of the palynologic evidence suggests that the extinction of the mammoths contributed to a rapid increase in dwarf tree cover, which according to our climate simulations, has a high‐latitude warming effect. Together, these results suggest that the human influence on climate began even earlier than previously believed [ Ruddiman , 2003] and that the onset of the Anthropocene should be extended back many thousand years.”

From study:

“We found that, in the absence of predation, pathogen prevalence in the host increases with vector fecundity, whereas predation on the vector causes pathogen prevalence to decline, or even become extinct, with increasing vector fecundity. We also found that predation on a vector may drastically slow the initial spread of a pathogen. The predator can increase host abundance indirectly by reducing or eliminating infection in the host population.****”

Alright, I will just give you examples. We should find many more examples of …

Optimization to fit an environment from alleged suboptimal design flaws:

Space-saving advantage of an inverted retina - ScienceDirect

Evidence of a false thumb in a fossil carnivore clarifies the evolution of pandas - PubMed (

Trade-offs between conflicting design goals from allegedly bad designs:

An optimal bronchial tree may be dangerous | Nature

Glycolytic strategy as a tradeoff between energy yield and protein cost | PNAS

Positive function for sinister designs:

Nociceptive sensitization reduces predation risk - PubMed (

Predator control of ecosystem nutrient dynamics - PubMed (

That is in regards to God’s relationship with mankind NOT with his relationship with nature and the animal kingdom.

We should find non-random mutations from those organisms where the mutation rate has been evolutionarily optimized to reduce the risk of deleterious mutations. The studies I showed you were examples of what I am talking about here.

Again, I admitted that the experimental procedure I laid out would not and could not apply to current ongoing evolution because humans and animals exist now and the goal of creating and developing the life forms today is achieved.

Again, I know. I am arguing that we can use these experiments to simulate the past with my procedure done correctly.

Not quite, the experimenter intervenes within the material process of natural selection and random mutations in those experiments and inserts specialized proteins within the organism to give it a boost in function and fitness. This is considered unnatural because a random view of mutations has not been shown to produce consistent gains in nature or in the laboratory.

In fact, the phages that are lacking the functional pIII protein were rapidly lost under continuous culture conditions because they have no ability to propagate