Code as an Analogy of DNA?

And you don’t get more than you know.

Aargh. And I just returned insult for insult. Again.

It’s your chief argument. Don’t throw it away now.


It’s a major strongpoint of yours, as well – don’t deny it. :wink:

See? It’s the “I know you are, but what am I?” defense.

At least we’re consistent. (…not a good thing, in context.)

Settle down, boys, or I’ll turn you into newts!


The press has often been guilty of misrepresenting all non-coding DNA as junk DNA, even though these are different concepts and not considered equivalent in the very studies they reference. All junk DNA is non-coding DNA, but not all non-coding DNA is junk DNA.


They’ll get better. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Who can best relate the topic of “codes” to the Joshua’s work?

Im having a problem seeing the connection.

A post was split to a new topic: The Linguistics of DNA