Comments on a Conversation about the Trinity

We agree on something (not joking, I strongly agree), but it is something that I would contend is addressed in the bible. Judgment is at the core, pride feeds the judgment, greed feeds the pride. James says in chapter 1 that temptation and desire are the beginning of sin and death. But Jesus came into the world so that we would have hope. The hope is that even though we are sinners and flawed and imperfect, Jesus took that sin on His shoulders and died for us so that we might be saved. (When I say us, I mean anyone that comes to Jesus, not just current Christians). Christians are called to love one another, love their enemies, love God, love those that persecute and hate them, love neighbors, serve, help, feed, give. But generally they don’t, they do the opposite and then sit back and claim that they are worthy of salvation, this hypocrisy is a struggle for me too.

The Enlightenment is a period of time, not a belief in doing what is right. Universal rights and dignity are addressed in the bible, but not in a way that most want to hear it…the bible says that none have rights, we are all slaves to something…and only one (Jesus) is worthy. So we are all equal in our lowliness not in our exaltation. Not what people want to hear, so not popular opinion.

Laws are not, and never were never enough. You may want to read MLK’s critical essay “The Ethical Demands for Integration.”

I dont see how the context excludes the holy Spirit from this knowledge.
It talks about human beings and Angel’s specifically. I.e nobody amog human beings and angels including the son of God (in his humanity) knows.

Being a calvinist, this kind of hermeneutics shouldn’t be alien to you. :slight_smile: