Comments on An Analogy for God's Providence

The Dominoes view of “God’s providence”.

God sets up a large table of domino bricks with a goal in mind, creates gravity, then tips one over to start the whole thing and watches what happens as they all topple each other one by one.

If at some point it God can see that a domino doesn’t behave like God wants (presumably because of someone’s free will or something?), he pauses time and adjusts either that domino or other surrounding dominoes, then hits play again. I to mention that I wonder why the divine interventions are even necessary, since God is supposedly able to set up a table with perfect knowledge of how all the bricks will fall even to begin with.

God has set up the table such that when the coronavirus domino tips over, it knocks over the mRNA vaccine domino. Praise be upon Him.

Some of us wonder why there’s a coronavirus domino in the first place, and even more so why this entire circus has to play out for God to make the nice picture he wants it all to culminate in anyway, but I digress.