Comments on The BioLogos Statement on Adam and Eve

I said “within a narrow North American theological spectrum”, not “in the North American world”.

Yes. Some people don’t care about reality, they just care about what they prefer to believe. For them, consistency with mainstream science is unnecessary.

That depends on what you think the purpose of an epistemology is. If you think the purpose of an epistemology is to enable you to justify the way you prefer to see the world, then the only criterion for a valid epistemology will be if it produces results which do that. If you think the purpose of an epistemology is to arrive at facts and create an accurate model of reality, you use the kind of criteria I mentioned previously.

I didn’t say that PS endorses this.

Of course you can. I am not contesting this.

It might not be the most pressing, but it should be considered one of the most pressing.

It’s better for the church to speak truth than to encourage falsehoods.

Why? Do you look to most theologians in order to gain information about reality? In your physics studies, do you consult theological commentaries or physics papers most frequently?

Yeah they are.

I did not say theologians don’t know much about reality. Please read what I wrote.

Yes. So what?

I agree.

But you sound like the kind of physicist who will turn around and say “Of course we physicists are just big sillies playing with numbers (and what are numbers? we still don’t even know!), we don’t really know much about reality, we have all our fancy ideas and such, but we don’t really know if they’re true and we have no way of knowing, so we can’t say for example that YECs are wrong, they might be more right than we are!”. You sound like the kind of physicist who thinks we don’t even know what reality is.

Yes, we agree on that.

Yes. But I’m talking about science. Let the theologians do theology, and let the scientists do science. We’ve had 1800 years of theologians doing theology and calling it science, while opposing actual science, and it has been a disaster. There are people out there who still believe demons make people sick, and witches turn people into goats. Thanks theologians!

I think the Biologos approach has the correct balance; let the scientists do science, and let the theologians do theology. I think the people who don’t like scientists find Peaceful Science a more comfortable place because Peaceful Science doesn’t require them to accept science or integrate it into their theology. Peaceful Science can give them reasons to accept their theology while rejecting science they don’t like.

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