A YEC, an OEC, a materialistic atheist, and a TE/EC are asked to explain the origin of species. They answer:
YEC: God created each kind individually by miraculous action. The kinds are at the very most “families” in modern classification, and often less, merely genus or species. There was some microevolution after that, very rushed, because it all had to happen in a few thousand years. Maybe it was speeded up by God, by a miracle unrecorded in the Bible, in order to get from a basic “cat” type to the Bengal Tiger and the Siamese cat within the time allotted. Man was created miraculously in a separate special creation, about 6,000 years ago.
OEC: God created each kind individually by miraculous action. Don’t ask us what a “kind” corresponds to in modern classification, as we haven’t thought about it and don’t want to be pinned down. There was some microevolution, not rushed because the earth is billions of years old, and it needed no miraculous speed-up by God. But it didn’t amount to much, just changes within orders. Or maybe just within families. Or maybe just within genera. Don’t ask us personal questions like that. Man was created separately and miraculously, maybe 6,000 years ago, or maybe 100,000 years ago, or a bit more; we’re flexible about that, as long as nobody says man comes from apes.
Materialistic atheist: Life arose from non-living matter by a series of accidents, and after that, organic evolution proceeded by wholly natural mechanisms, a combination of blind mutational search, other unguided mechanisms, and natural selection. Man arose by evolution from the primates, and was not any more specially created than any other species, i.e., not at all. He arose maybe 1 or 2 million years ago, maybe less, defending on how you define “man,” but certainly no less than 200,000 years ago. God had nothing to do with the evolutionary process.
TE/EC: Life arose from non-living matter, most likely by a series of accidents, though some of us, less courageous in our defense of methodological naturalism, have weakened and allowed that maybe a miracle was need to get life started. (Shame on you, Francis!) After that, organic evolution proceeded by wholly natural mechanisms, a combination of blind mutational search, other unguided mechanisms, and natural selection. Man arose by evolution from the primates, and was not any more specially created than any other species, i.e., not at all. He arose maybe 1 or 2 million years ago, maybe less, defending on how you define “man,” but certainly no less than 200,000 years ago. And–oh yeah, I forgot–God in some way had something to do with all of this, but don’t ask me what, as I refuse to answer personal questions.