I suppose I never started to talk about those. I was just discussing WLC.
Ross and Rana are a separate conversation altogether. We have a deal in the works with them to see if and how their model can be adjusted to account for population genetics. You can see for yourself they have a range of positions: Engaging the Zoo of RTB Models.
@Agauger has an approach that has been discussed at length here. She is happy with Adam and Eve going back as far as 2 mya, which WLC is not happy with. She also is not really working with the rules of secular science, nor has she touched any of the theology, so that is not very helpful to WLC’s project.
WLC is his own person. Unlike RTB and @Agauger, I don’t think he cares if Adam and Eve are specially created. He has is own set of constraints he is working from and literalism is not among them.