Edit: this post originally came after post #47
@colewd, since you continue to falsely claim that kinds created with identical genes at different times would create a nested hierarchy, I think you need a demonstration. With a few modifications to my original evolutionary algorithm, I created another program which models Bill’s hypothesis.
This program generates a new taxon with the same, identical sequence every generation, and mutates it from that point on. In this way, it models the ‘identical genes’ hypothesis with different, identical ‘kinds’ being created at various points in time.
Here is the tree produced by 10 taxa from this program (visualized at iTOL: Interactive Tree Of Life):
In what should be an unsurprising turn of events for everyone except Bill, these sequences produce… (drumroll please)… a star tree! As expected, the ‘kinds’ which were ‘created’ earlier in the simulation have longer branches, while the newer ‘kinds’ have shorter branches, reflecting the time since their ‘creation.’
Now, I was unable to properly view the bootstrap values on the unrooted tree, because the branch lengths at the center were too small (on account of it being a star tree). So I uploaded the tree to PRESTO and viewed it in “Dendrogram” format. Here are the bootstrap values:
Disclaimer for @colewd: the branch lengths on this tree do not reflect the actual number of mutations along each branch, since it is in “Dendrogram” format. Do not falsely claim that this diagram shows a nested hierarchy.
The bootstrap values are extremely low (3-24; avg. 11) as expected from a star tree, and are not nearly as high as the bootstrap values on a phylogeny of real living organisms.
Therefore, Bill’s ‘identical genes’ model cannot explain the nested hierarchy of living organisms (not that anyone except Bill thought so in the first place). But kudos to him for at least advancing a testable hypothesis, even if it was a terrible one. @colewd, would you like to provide another testable hypothesis for how ‘common design’ can explain nested hierarchy without common ancestry?