Consensus should determine what's taught in science classes. Why?

You have repeatedly demonstrated that you are not familiar with Quantum Physics.

Watching Youtube videos by apologists who have no expertise in quantum physics will not improve your understanding, hence my question about “books/textbooks on quantum physics, written by actual quantum physicists”.

Quoting out of context from sources that very frequently are saying the exact opposite does not “support [your] contentions.”

This is why I will continue to give no weight to any claim you make on the subject.

This is a badly constructed argument.

To start with, it raises the immediate question of whose “faith”?

If you are talking about biblically-literalist students that raises a whole list of other issues/questions:

  1. There are a number of biblically-literalist Christians who accept evolution (a number on this forum fall into this category).

  2. The number of biblically-literalist Christians in the US is falling (currently 20% of the population), and they are typically more likely to send their children to private Christian schools or home-school them. This means that it is unclear what proportion of students are affected.

  3. If the students are YEC, then it is likely that their problems with science go well beyond evolution: into geology, cosmology, etc.

  4. It is not clear that your Universal Common Design Theory, would aid in students understanding of biology, nor that it would aid their preparedness for further study in the subject.

There is nothing “easy” about this. As I stated in the previous thread:

Nothing in that video comes even close to supporting this contention.

Likewise, we have nothing but your bald, unsubstantiated assertion that:

None of this passes muster even on an internet forum. The level of scrutiny applied by science educators who write textbooks and curricula will be far higher.