Coronavirus variants contradict the predictions of genetic entropy proponents

As our friend @glipsnort has pointed out, the mechanism of remaining frozen is not available to viruses like Ebola and Lassa in tropical climates.

Yet after millions of generations they are still going strong. How? They haven’t found any large bodies of ice in Gambia, that I am aware of. Are you?

So why do you keep pointing to the paper by Shoham, et al., as if that explained a mechanism for the persistence of viruses, when in fact it could not possibly apply outside of polar regions?

I am going to make a prediction, though: You are going to say you don’t have time to follow up on this, as you mentioned in this post 5 days ago. Nevertheless, sometime in the next few months, you will ignore the fact that you have been unable to answer empirical questions that undercut GE and once again post strong claims for the superiority of the GE hypothesis.

You in fact have already done so in this thread. You did not wait more than 5 days to claim the superiority of GE over consensus virology, even though you were unable to respond to strong empirical claims against GE in the post I linked.

But maybe starting today you will actually reckon with the tough questions instead of setting them aside and plowing ahead. I hope so. I would love for you to prove my prediction wrong.
