Yes, they are, and they are also composed of molecules – nucleotide bases etc. Have your forgotten your basic biochemistry?
Your usual pedantry, for which you were chastised many times by Christy on BioLogos. “Generate” is a word with a broad range of English meanings. You know what I meant. And I know what transcription and translation are – even taught them in a science and religion course, once, complete with diagrams.
Which does not falsify my claim that protein changes are necessary for evolution. So your mentioning this appears to be just to show off your technical knowledge, not to advance the discussion.
More pedantry. In fact, we had this discussion before, and John Harshman intervened to say that in a loose sense my expression was allowable. But some sort of one-celled creature; take your pick. It’s irrelevant to my point, so your attempt to catch me out in error on a non-essential point is your usual misdirection. You seem to have trouble carrying out a sustained discussion without descending into caviling, which slows things down. Maybe if you’d studied a bit more English and History and a bit less genetics, this would not be such a problem.