Defining "complexity"

Random sequences are an abundant source of bioactive RNAs or peptides

Essentially all sites of a protein are mutable given other compensatory mutations

There are 1. 6 x 10^13 sequences of 35 amino acids that would fold like villin, and 7.9 x 10^96 171 amino acid sequences that fold like OmpA.

If you want the original article, it is here

This high number actually poses a problem for creationists - if there are so many alternative sequences with the same function, with all amino acid sites mutable while retaining function, why do organisms’ DNA homology sort into clades, giving us evidence for common descent?

What is even more interesting that “complexity” is inversely proportional to age of the protein.

This is evidence that proteins of certain function start off smaller and less complex, then with time they evolve and become more complicated.

But hey, you should already know all this, given this was all presented to you previously here at peacefulscience.