Does yom = ordinary day imply a young earth?

Ok I’ll go slow. You wrote this.

I quoted those words. I then responded to those words (which you wrote), with this.

Those are my words, that I wrote. I wrote them in response to your words, in the post of yours that I quoted. The word “this” is a pronoun, the most obvious referent of which is your words. That means that “this” refers to the words you wrote, which I quoted when responding to your words (which I quoted).

Putting this all together.

  1. You wrote “In that case the interpretation would be that yom does mean “day” but that the authors didn’t consider the literal story to be the important message”.

  2. I responded by saying “This is actually what we see in Second Temple Period and early Christian era exposition”.

  3. Conclusion. I am saying “the interpretation that yom does mean “day” but that the authors didn’t consider the literal story to be the important message, is actually what we see in Second Temple Period and early Christian era exposition”.

Let me know if that’s still unclear.