Re: blurb written by George Church (actual biologist) on a book by a DI author.
Here it is:
Darwin’s Doubt represents an opportunity for bridge-building rather than dismissive polarization—bridges across cultural divides in great need of professional, respectful dialogue—and bridges to span evolutionary gaps.
I don’t know much about Church’s positions on design in biology. Among credible sources, I could only find this Radiolab episode (which I haven’t listened to) and this transcript of an interview that includes some pretty vague comments about design. Based on those comments, I would say that Church’s stance is similar to mine on the overall importance of design theorizing in biology. Re the author of DD and the book itself, he credits it with asking interesting questions and that’s it. The official blurb above merely points to the book as an opportunity for “bridge-building” and that’s not actually a comment about the contents of the book, IMO.
I do like his apparent openness to design ideas as expressed in the interview. I’d like to see more of that from biologists, though as I’ve written here before, many biologists are vigorously pursuing design thought while appropriately ignoring the DI and the misnamed ID movement.