Eric Holloway: Wrap up Experiment on Mutual Information

As I see it,

  1. You are a leading light in ID Information Theory, trained by the best of the movement.

  2. You made several theoretical claims that you believed transferred over to practical measurement.

  3. Two times now, you produced simulations meant to demonstrate a claim.

  4. In both cases, your simulations did not demonstrate your claims true. Perhaps they were uninterpretable, but they certainly did not demonstrate your claims true.

  5. Several other claims have been made that are all demonstrably false. In fairness, I will list one below, but there are many more like it.

  6. There is no reason any one should trust the claims we have not tested, because not one of the claims you have tested has been demonstrated true.

As an example of a false claim:

There are so many claims like this through out your work. It takes too much effort for me to demonstrate them all false, but in this case I did.

This gets to the heart and soul of information theory, as I explained to you long ago:

I have demonstrated that your theoretical constructs have not even one time transferred over to an empirical simulation. Maybe someone else can succeed where you failed, and I’d welcome this. For example, maybe someone can solve this Open Challenge to ID Advocates.