Who exactly is this “we” you talk about? Is it the forum hierarchy? The forum’s scientists? The forum’s atheists? Or who?
And why do “we”, or they if “we” is defined to exclude me , have to make such a decision?
Who, apart from yourself, are the “old-timers” who are left with this odd impression?
To the extent that I can perceive a raison d’etre for this forum, it would appear to be (i) to promote Joshua’s book & worldview, and (ii) to try to encourage non-creationists to be nicer to creationists than their frequent lack of competence, humility and honesty would seem to merit.
I rather suspect that I have a reputation on this forum for being one of its blunter atheists, but I cannot remember ever having “attempt[ed] to convince creationists that there is no God” – my position has tended to be more towards the viewpoint of ‘apologists make bad arguments’ than ‘Christianity per se is bad’ (hence my disinclination to indulge in apologetics myself).
My own aim is far more modest than that – simply to demonstrate that certain specific Creationist apologetics arguments are bad arguments. I am happy to thereafter leave them to themselves as to what they do with that information.
I would rather suspect that the vast majority of more liberal Christians, outside of direct contact with creationists, never even consider Evolution as being a factor in their religious views – any more than they would consider Gravity as being a factor. I know that it never even entered into the picture back, half a lifetime ago, when I was still a Christian.
Eris protect us from “useful position[s]” – we get quite enough of those from the apologists.
I’m far more interested in truthful positions or interesting positions than “useful” ones, than you very much.
If you want to do PR, then join an apologetics ministry. Maybe you should find out if Michael Dodds is hiring.