Evidence for the integrity of the Discovery Institute

See this thread for Biocomplexity article for the casual way a quotation was altered from original statement: https://discourse.peacefulscience.org/t/biocomplexity-article-2-and-3-for-2021/14445

Bolds below is mine

Biocomplexity link:
Engineering Perspective on the Bacterial Flagellum: Part 2
Cohen et al. state:

The bacterial flagellum exemplifies a system where even small deviations
from the highly regulated flagellar assembly process can abolish motility and cause negative physiological outcomes. Consequently, bacteria …[possess] robust regulatory mechanisms to ensure that flagellar morphogenesis follows a defined path, with each component self-assembling to predetermined dimensions…

Original link:
Nanoscale-length control of the flagellar driveshaft requires hitting the tethered outer membrane

The bacterial flagellum exemplifies a system where even small deviations from the highly regulated flagellar assembly process can abolish motility and cause negative physiological outcomes. Consequently, bacteria have evolved elegant and robust regulatory mechanisms to ensure that flagellar morphogenesis follows a defined path, with each component self-assembling to predetermined dimensions.

And no, putting the substitution in brackets does not lessen the misrepresentation of the original author’s meaning and intention here.