Evidence for the integrity of the Discovery Institute

I hope not too much. It doesn’t pain me to have my eyes opened. But let’s take this to a private message so as not take this thread any further off topic. We are miles away from where I resurrected it with,

I realize I was the one that brought up the topic of the lab leak but as you may (or maybe not )see by going to the origin of the quoted post here,

I was using the supposed “consensus” manufactured or not and the over-the-top vitriol as no help at all in shedding light upon the question.
My initial, very modest challenge that the,

[quote=“Tim, post:3, topic:15600”]
(who surely understand their own work better than some ID-Creationist apologist).

could not be sustained is virtually unsupportable, and yet among this partisan lot, that to make that simple concession was beyond the pale.
As I said at the top of this reply, as hard as it may be to believe, I’m happy to be instructed in the truth, even by you guys.
Let me ask you this, can you even imagine that there could possibly be an over-the-top accusation that could be made against the Discovery Institute or its members that was unsupported by any evidence? and if so what would the natural response by from those who have a hatred for the Discovery Institute? would it not be the most natural thing in the world for them to wish to deny that they’d overstated their case, especially if the one doing the pointing out was obviously a sympathizer with the Discovery Institute?
As hard as it may be to admit, there is nothing self-evident in the claim I originally objected to,

[quote=“Tim, post:3, topic:15600”]
(who surely understand their own work better than some ID-Creationist apologist).

As far as further back on forth on lab-leak, it is just a diversion on this thread.
I’ll take it to a private message to you. I may take a few days.
Another, it seems to me, appropriate place to take it would be on the original thread on the origins of the lab leak, but that thread looks to be closed and unable to open.
Do you know how to open it up? I doubt there is any appetite to do so here which kind of boggles my mind. You said that it pains you to disillusion me. :slightly_smiling_face:
What disillusions me is how closed the so-called Peaceful Science can be to truths it would rather weren’t.
The lab leak thing has even consumed the objectivity and trustworthiness of our science journals.
The Lancet (with I assume Fauci’s blessing) in an article “strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.” while yesterday he (Fauci) said, “I must say we all must keep an open mind about this.”
Am I living in a bizzaro world or does anyone else see the contradiction here?
Anyway, I’m rambling it seems. So to a private message unless you’re able to open up that original, About the origin of SARS-CoV-2