Evolution and Salvation

I hear this a lot from Christians. I hear it from YECs. And I hear it from old earth creationists. But, in my opinion, it is just wrong. That isn’t how evolution works.

Yes, human misfits die. But brilliant humans die, too. And some of the misfits live longer than some of the brilliant people.

That organisms die is just part of nature. It is not how evolution works.

My father used to say “Nothing succeeds like success”. And that saying is a better description of how evolution works. Biological systems build on success. Whatever works is tried again, with the likelihood that it too will succeed. The basis for evolution is building on success. It isn’t about the death of misfits.

The idea of building upon success is one that many conservatives seem to support, at least when it comes to questions about the economy. And they really ought to support evolution as an example of solid conservative principles at work.

Yes, we can imagine a world with no misfits, where everyone did equally well. If we tried to achieve that through government, conservatives would be complaining that it was socialism.

What’s wrong with seeing nature as it is? Nature does not guarantee success, so there will be misfits. But it is building success upon success that drives nature and that drives evolution.