The followers of Jesus, who were shown in those same gospels to be some of the biggest knuckleheads, all abandoned him upon his arrest, with the exception of John. The biggest and strongest, Peter, was so frightened that he denied even knowing Jesus to a slave girl. But once Jesus rose from the dead, these frightened men, who had once abandoned him, became so emboldened that they, against great oppression spread the word that Jesus had beaten death, with such boldness that within a few years, the church exploded into being. Since then, billions have come to faith in him. His original followers have been known by name and reputation since those very early days of the church. Every one of them who had run from him at his arrest, later proclaimed his divinity to such a degree that all but one, John, were pursued, arrested, and put to death in a horrible manner, proclaiming faith in him to the very end. One can choose to accept his sacrifice or not. But it is unreasonable to believe that these formerly frightened men shared the story of Jesus’ resurrection to such a degree that they were stoned, hung, crucified, dragged to death, and cut in half for the purpose of perpetuating a lie.
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