Food for thought on whale evolution

Right, because God solves any problem. That’s a bug not a feature. The “solution” doesn’t make any logical sense, it just becomes a matter of declaration by fiat that God wanted it that way.

Take the example of the supposedly wrong chronology of fossils nevertheless implied to lie on a direct line of descent. What is the God-governed evolution phrase supposed to solve here? God made the supposed descendant give birth to it’s ancestor? Well with God that’s of course possible, He just made one organism travel back in time, and then made it give birth to something completely different.

Does that sound like a sensible solution to you?

No, the real issue here is that the video is simply wrong in presenting the different fossils as being on a direct line of descent. They are cousin species and merely represent morphological transitionals within some span of time.

Of course, what creationism doesn’t at all explain is why morphologically transitional species should even exist in the first place. Never mind that they aren’t exactly in the “right” chronological order to imply a neat morphological progression on a direct line of descent.

Ask yourself, why should there even exist an organism with transitional features like the nostrils further up on the skull, and almost non-existent hind-limbs? God just decided to make an organism that looked like it’s almost completely but still not quite fully adapted to aquatic life, but the transition never even occurred so it was just for fun? The prankster God? What you’re suggesting with this “God-Governed Evolution” nonsense is barely any better.

The problem with creationism is it has zero explanatory power. It never explains why we see any of the things we see. Creationism (and it’s pretentious cousin Intelligent Design) always and only ever amount to pointing out supposed problems with evolution. One could also ask why God bothered to create millions upon millions of past biospheres and ecosystems, only to wipe them out again and replace them with new similar ones that sort of look like they’re derived.

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