Fossils: A Revelation of Beauty

As a Christian paleontologist, I often reflect on Proverbs 25:2, “The glory of God is to keep things hidden; but the glory of kings is to fathom them.” Studying fossils is literally about fathoming things which were hidden and are coming to light. This is a privilege .

I think it is a vague nod to evolution. I think that the author is trying to build a bridge between scripture and evolution.


Perhaps so.

I’ve certainly used Proverbs 25:2 in multiple contexts in referring to scientific pursuits in general and in the exegesis of the scriptures.


Ok, I wrote one of the short pieces on “my favorite fossil” for Biologos. It isn’t meant to be some deeply philosophical piece. Sometimes its nice to provide the non-scientists with insights into why scientists like certain things and why they mean something to them. The fossil pieces weren’t meant to plumb the depths God’s mode of creation but they were there to raise interest in fossils in general. They also proceed a revision of the “What do fossils show” basics article. That page has been in the process of being revised. It is a high hit article on search engines and these short fossil pieces then feed into that more central article.


Opalized fossils are the most beautiful fossils, hands down:



Yes. Right here:

See all the blog posts here

I do not publish often, but there are two or three in my queue right now, one from @evograd and one from @jongarvey.

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