I need to clarify this point because it is important. Keep in mind my confidence. I’ve been public and active in my faith for the last five years, as an untenured professor at a secular institution. For the stakes have been high: tenure, which I just recently was granted.
I understand the complexities you are discussing, but I do not have the luxury of taking a squishy or ambiguous position here. When ever I put something out there I know it can (and likely will) be closely scrutinized. The fatal error is to falsely claim the authority of science in support of non-scientific claims. Such abuse of authority is not tolerated. So there are very sharp lines and rules I must keep. Even if these rules do not seem well supported from the outside, I received them as established and immutable. In some important sense, I inherit these rules when I choose to become a scientist. Carefully following them, I’ve been able to live above reproach in my scientific engagement.
The lines and rules are clear. There are consequences for crossing the lines and breaking the rules. I play by those rules: The Rules of the Game.
All of us in the conversation deal with students. I cannot over emphasize the importance of teaching students about this part of scientific culture. Knowing what is and is not allowed can give us confidence by clarifying what we are and are not allowed to do.