How Modern-Day Young-Earth Creationism Pushes People To Atheism

Back in the 60’s/70’s ,the churches I was raised in were as fundamentalist and literal as they come, and even there nobody talked about dinosaurs and humans living together or boarding the ark. The occasional message touching on origins would present older earth Genesis interpretations like the gap theory and day age.

The church considered evolution to be verbotum, but back then outside of higher education, one really did not have to contend with it. So allowing for an old earth, and not much encountering discussion of evolution, there was little to induce any cognitive dissonance with science. As a kid, it was easy to be a literalist and have fun with your chemistry kit.

Since then, chemistry kits have removed all the toxics and open flames and become boring, and YEC has become dominant in many evangelical denominations. At the same time, the evidence for evolution has become more pervasive and compelling, and all this information is a search away on the internet. The challenge is more unavoidable, and therefore the response more desperate. Many immerse themselves in a YEC bubble, others (as myself) make some sort of accommodation with science and faith, and others are pushed to atheism or agnosticism. Individual’s stories tend to be more textured and complex, with personal events in their life often playing a role.