Human Evolution Discussion with Ahmed

I saw the video, and I really wonder if this video is for evolution or against it.
Changes to protein coding genes (70% according to the video), regulation genes, methylations, histone modifications, … and who knows whatever else from what we have no idea about, … etc.
Do you, honest to your self, think that RANDOM Mutation can be responsible for ending up with this harmonious change to genetics that makes the human in the “human condition”??!

I actually consider this video good material for you to ponder over, not me.
Remember that the main contention is in the randomness and blindness of the evolutionary processes.
Why don’t you ponder over it a little!

This is a rather astonishing statement, given that the fact that all life fits into a nested hierarchy is key to demonstrating that evolution is true. To exclude this from an understanding of evolution would like saying the facts that things fall to the ground has nothing to do with understanding gravity.


This has been explained to you repeatedly, but let me ask you directly: Do you understand that human proteins are ~99% identical to chimpanzee proteins, or not?


So are you agreeing that humans and other apes share a common ancestor? And of course humans and other primates, other mammals, other amniotes, other opisthokonts, other eukaryotes, as well? If so, then the discussion does become more focused. If not, the disagreement is bigger than you acknowledge.


Yes. Mutations are random in the sense that they happen independent of their effect on fitness and that’s the standard view within evolutionary biology. It is also one of the most supported claims in biology. I think you are using random in the more colloquial sense, meaning without forethought. If so, we use ‘unguided’ not ‘random’ within formal discussions on evolution here on PS.

More importantly, mutations are just one among the many processes that led to our evolution as humans. Natural selection, genetic drift, hybridization etcetera played their respective parts too. Natural selection has the ability to create the illusion of design, which seems to have beguiled you.

Evolution is not strictly random due to natural selection. It is completely blind though, but I wonder how this is a problem?


Your reference to “harmonious change” indicates another area where you fail to understand the bare basics of evolutionary theory. If mutations are not “harmonious” (by which I mean compatible with continued functioning of the organism) they do not persist in the population because the organism cannot live. It will most likely not even come into existence, but perish during the reproductive process.

Mutations that are compatible with survival, OTOH, will persist and may become fixed. This explains, quite simply, the “harmony” you find so perplexing.


Ahmed has another video up in his ongoing “course” on evolution:

Does anyone want to offer some constructive criticism? Because there is a lot to critcize. Just for starts:

Most of Ahmed’s supposed “paradoxes” arise from his strange belief that LUCA was RNA based. That is, of course, not the scientific consensus:

Its genetic code was likely based on DNA,[26] so that it lived after the RNA world.[b] If DNA was present, it was composed exclusively of the four modern-day nucleotides: deoxyadenosine, deoxycytidine, deoxythymidine, and deoxyguanosine. The DNA was kept double-stranded by a template-dependent enzyme, DNA polymerase, which was recently proposed to belong to the family D.[29] The integrity of the DNA benefited from a group of maintenance and repair enzymes including DNA topoisomerase.[30] If the genetic code was DNA-based, it was expressed via single-stranded RNA intermediates. The RNA was produced by a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase using nucleotides similar to those of DNA, with the exception that the DNA nucleotide thymidine was replaced by uridine in RNA.[21][22][23][24] It had multiple DNA-binding proteins, such as histone-fold proteins.[31]

I have to ask, Ahmed: What kind of research did you do in preparing this course? Did you have it reviewed by any qualified biologists? It seems you did not even do the minimum level of research that would involve reading Wikipedia.

EDIT: Never mind, I see there is already a discussion on this:


Taxonomy is a fact. Species fall into a nested hierarchy. Evolution explains this fact which is one of its greatest merits, and why evolution does stand on its own.


Are you seriously basing your argument on the fallacy of incredulity?


The video says the following:

In fact, nearly a third of our proteins are completely identical to their counterparts. Most of the rest are different by just one or two amino acid building blocks, out of the hundreds in a typical protein. So at the protein level, we’re way more similar to chimps than we are different.

Do you remember what I (and others) have been trying to say to you, many times now?! That the 70% (or 80%) of proteins being different does NOT mean that they are completely different. They only differ by a few amino acids. So even those 70/80% of the proteins are nearly identical, which means we are still >99% identical with regard to the amino acid sequences of the proteins. The 70% you keep harping about doesn’t say anything about the overall similarities that we share with chimpanzees.

The reason why I posted this video to you is that you have little understanding in what the figures of genetic similarities between humans and chimps mean…and given your reply to me…it seems your understanding didn’t improve at all.

Borrowing the words of David Lewis: “I do not know how to refute an incredulous stare.”

I do believe that humans originated by evolution, and mutations is only ONE part of the process. And personal incredulity isn’t an argument against this position, nor against anything else for that matter.


This figure seems to go up every ten years or so (the wonders of Darwinist propaganda!) … yet it does nothing to explain the massive differences in intelligence between chimps and humans.

Hang on … didn’t chimps beat humans into space?

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The glory of God’s creation cannot be explained by something as puny as science - that is my belief (for what’s it’s worth).

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This has been discussed elsewhere in this thread and in another.

The figures vary because what is measured and how differs between papers, if you actually ever bothered to look at them.

If you can find an error in the methodology or incorrect results of a particular paper, please share.

By the way - have you seen creationists and their math?

Like Tomkins?

Apparently, Tomkins had been debunked multiple times for this, including by fellow creationists.

By the way - Tomkin’s articles are still online without any note whatsoever how they have been refuted.


But hey, that’s par for the course for creationist websites and creationist “peer reviewed” journals.


The figure hasn’t changed since the chimp genome publication, and as for massive intelligence differences, I’m not so sure about some of us. For example, consider people who can’t do more than post snide little one-liners. Isn’t that the electronic equivalent of throwing feces?


So glorious that you cannot believe that God could design life that adapts and evolves, and instead believe that God is required to continually manually intervene in His creation.



Then how do you explain the difference between human and chimp intelligence if it isn’t based on the DNA sequence of each of their genomes? Is brain development not controlled by DNA?


Facts are much more compelling than beliefs.


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