I Agree With Behe

Sadly @mung is not right.

Of course I reached out to him. They have not been willing to engage on the science, though I did get some kind emails back from him. In one email to @colewd, Behe assured us he would address the problems we were raising with IC (and Turf13 @art) in this book. He did not. That is one reason it is correct to say he is not engaging with critique.

I offered to let one person at DI preview the review. This is highly unusual, and was a gesture of good will. They declined. We offered to clarify any questions they had about the review. They also declined, and instead fired the PR machine up.

ID complains that scientists don’t give them a fair hearing. Well, here we are. We want to give them a fair hearing, but they have to show up. If they don’t, it leads to reviews like the one we wrote. It didn’t have to be this way. It is just honestly our assessment of their science.