I am Open to Design Arguments of a Sort

@pnelson, can you clarify if you think there is a difference between creation and design? What is that distinction?

I have two diagnostic questions.

Is Mount Everest designed by God or not?

Is Mount Rushmore designed by God or not?

There were no human designers in the first case, but there is a human designer in the second case. These two examples, also, are discussed as a contrast between ‘designed’ and ‘not-designed’ by many ID authors (see Dembski). How would you answer. Are these two mountains designed by God or not? I believe God created all things, and in this sense He designed both mountains, using a human designer for the recognizable elements of Mount Rushmore.

It seems, however, that you would (alongside Dembski) deny God designed Mount Everest. Is that correct? In what sense, then, did God create Everest, if not design?