ID and Science Classes

I’m curious about this. Why would it matter if they are involved in ID arguments or not? If an actual improvement in evolutionary biology education includes things that ID’ers use, why shouldn’t ID’ers be the ones that point this out? This seems trivially obvious.

I haven’t looked at high school biology in many years, so I can’t speak to how it is presently taught. However, when I was taught, they emphasized the material nature of the origin of life (which has no scientific support, so the only possible reason it could be there would be because of someone’s personal bias), and that random mutation and natural selection caused all of diversity (which, again, has very little empirical support). If the changes that the DI wants to include are consonant with both ID and modern biology, but not identical to it, what exactly is the problem? That members of the DI are not allowed to speak unless someone else gives them permission?