Intelligent Design and Common Descent

This is what has always baffled me about “ID theory” (aside from the fact that there is no “full-fledged theory of biological design”, as Paul Nelson has worded the problem.) How does one distinguish between guided and unguided? Until someone invents a “Intelligent Guidance Detector” or successful methodology, how can this be science instead of just philosophical speculation? To me as a non-biologist, all of this sounds like another example of “the intelligent designer of the gaps” fallacy.

No doubt my understanding is incomplete—so I’d be thrilled to get educated on this and any misunderstandings corrected.

[Meanwhile, I will reiterate for newcomers to this forum that I am a born-again Christ-follower who firmly believes that God has intelligently designed everything we observe, although as a Molinist that no doubt entails very different perspectives which many of my brethren would find uncomfortable. In any case, I’m fine with ID as philosophy and theology. I’d be thrilled to see exciting new discoveries which established “intelligent design detection” as science—but I’ve been waiting for a long time and am not so optimistic. Even so, I’m open to the evidence. I’m willing to learn and change my mind.]