Introducing Michael Okoko

Taking off my raging atheist hat, I am Catholic for the following reasons:

First, I was born into a Catholic family. Although we drifted away for some time, we returned quite recently. I am not a “real” Catholic yet since I haven’t been baptized, but I will start Catechism classes pretty soon.

Second, I think the Roman Catholic Church is most likely the true Church due to its age and closeness to the early periods of Christianity. She has a pretty ugly history, but she did quite a lot of good too.

Third, I find RCC teachings sound and well elaborated. I disagree on several issues, but generally I am ok with its teachings from a strictly theological point of view.

So these are reasons why I still identify as Catholic, but if your question had a deeper intent, really seeking to find out why I am still a Christian despite my atheist stance on religious topics, I would say this:

I no longer believe Christianity is the true religion, but that doesn’t mean I can’t identify with it. There are lots of benefits from associating with the Church and It would be difficult living in Nigeria as an atheist. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying I want to be an atheist, but I find it attractive and quite reasonable. I think I will forever be a Christian, albeit with a critical mindset.