As an ardent opponent and critic of Intelligent Design Creationism, I welcome and celebrate @colewd’s active participation in this forum. His posts are as strong an argument against ID as can be.
That’s essentially the same thing.
[“A mind”] = [“ A mind ”]
[“can make”] = [“ as a mechanistic explanation for ”]
[“X”] = [“ functional information and other cellular artifacts ”]
The questions is what is ID’s hypothesis and test which would support your claim a mind produced physical genomes?
So you can’t claim anyone changed your words. Now will you finally answer the question? And NO, having human minds design things is NOT a test of your ID claim.
Bill continues his strategy of lame evasion to all questions about his ID claims. Why are you here Bill if you are going to run from all discussion about your ID position?
Tim, a real discussion is continuing to improve on alternative explanations. If you come up with a testable mechanism that can account for the micro machines we see in the cell then you will replace the design argument at least for major evolutionary transitions. Straw-man arguments and assertions are not really productive.
Please explain how having a human mind using a human body and human produced tools can physically create an object supports your claim a mind with no physical body and no physical mechanism can create physical genomes from scratch.
BTW Bill work on your basic logic. Just because a human mind CAN design things is not evidence a mind DID design genomes.