Gen3:7 - Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
Their response to this revelation was to cover themselves with make-shift clothes.
*being ashamed of nakedness is also something not familiar to indigenous humans.
That’s certainly one way to read it. I know that’s how it’s commonly read. But I disagree I’m making stuff up. I’m just reading it within the context of the story being told overall. The story begins by illustrating Adam and Eve disobeying a direct order, unlike anything else God has created up to that point.
Not at all. I find it all quite brilliant. It’s really the only way to create something like free will.
Right or wrong, here’s my view on this …
This is a God who wants companionship. Other minds. Living all eternity with a bunch of drone angels doesn’t sound appealing I imagine.
So, how do you realistically do that? Give others their own minds in your universe? They’re not you. They don’t know their way around and are sure to wreck the place with a will totally independent of yours, making and breaking stuff with reckless abandon, with no real way to comprehend the damage they are doing. Like toddlers with loaded hand guns running all around your house.
So, what do you do? Create a temporary habitat where nothing lasts. Nothing is eternal. It’s a safe environment in the sense that none of us can do any real lasting damage.
This gives this life we’re each living two purposes…
One, it gives us each a chance to experience for ourselves the effects of free will running reckless. With all of human existence being just the kind of knowledge base of experience one would need to wield free will responsibly.
Two, it gives each of us a chance to exist and agree to the conditions to participate in eternity. Because we each have a will of our own, we have to choose to agree that God is in charge. He is the alpha. Like the roadways. We’re all free to go where we wish whenever, but there are rules to ensure we don’t slam into each other and keep things moving. And there’s an authority that all have to acknowledge, respect, and obey. So salvation in that way is a license. Choosing to believe Jesus raised from the dead after three days is choosing to acknowledge God because He did something impossible. A requirement to pass from this temporary environment into the eternal place where it all really counts.