Jesus is Like (But Not Like) Others

That is my claim. You can just handwave it away, or try to actually provide a rational argument against it. So far, you seem to be opting for the former.

So far, the evidence presented in favour of the alleged resurrection is a mass market paper back book written by a retired cop with no academic credentials whatsoever.

It surprises me that I need to tell you this, but that is not serious scholarship.

Uh huh. So what? Walk me thru the logic by which this leads to the conclusion that Jesus was really resurrected, because it’s really not apparent from your post. Sure, if he really rose from the dead, that would be an explanation for why his followers believed this. And if Muhammad really spoke to God, then that would explain why his followers believed this. Still doesn’t mean that either claim is true, and the fact that we do not exactly who convinced the early Christians to believe in the resurrection does not eliminate the fact that followers of cults are readily convinced of all manner of things that are not, and cannot, be true.