(S. Joshua Swamidass)
April 29, 2018, 7:08pm
There will be debate about the role of genealogical ancestry in theology. However, we can say with complete confidence that genetic ancestry and genealogical ancestry are very different things.
In my view (see this article) no relevant teaching of Jesus Christ and no dogmatic declaration of the Catholic Church are impaired if one removes the condition of genealogical descent from a single couple.
The crucial descent is that from a population sharing the kind of body God chooses for His Son. By this choice God defines the humankind as well.
So I would be thankful to know the motivation for endorsing common genealogical descent from a single individual Adam.
@AntoineSuarez I responded in detail on the other thread. The key point I’d make is that:
I believe, even in Catholic teaching, the reason for wanting a single couple is because fo the Fall. It is thought by most people (including Catholics I though!) that the Fall must come through one person, Adam.
Is that not right?
Also “monogenesis” (from a single couple) is often held as a critical way of denying polygenesis. You, however, a bit ahead of the pack in recognizing that monophylogeny works just as well as monogenesis in denying polygenesis.
Looking forward to hearing your response on the other thread: A Catholic Approach to the Genealogical Adam - #19 by swamidass .